7th Shaaban, 1446 A.H.

Laylatul Qadr or the Night of Power is one of Islamic holiest nights. It occurs at the sadakah nights in the last ten nights of the Ramadan, a holy month of fasting, prayers and devotion in Islamic countries. Laylatul Qadr is considered to be a night of great blessings and islam as a night better than thousand months. It is therefore perceived as the best time for faith to seek for the blessings and mercy of Allah not to mention forgiveness.

When Islamic pilgrims intend to perform their holy tours like performing Hajj and Umrah, they ultimately align themselves to nights like this Laylatul Qadr. Whether through Hajj & Umrah services in the UK, VIP Hajj & Umrah packages, or other offerings, the spiritual connection built during such occasions is deeply enhanced by understanding and experiencing nights like Laylatul Qadr.

Towards the Understanding of Laylatul Qadr

The Quranic Perspective

Laylatul Qadr is specifically mentioned in Surah Al-Qadr:

“For, assuredly, We sent down the Quran during the Night of Decree. But what can make you know what the Night of Decree is? The night of Decree Ayah al Qadr is superior to a thousand months or ten thousand. The angels and the Spirit therein only by permission of their Lord for the consummation of the revealed matter. Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.” (Surah Al-Qadr, 97:1-5)

These verses give much importance to the Laylatul Qadr from the spiritual view point. This is indeed the night in which the Quran was first sent down to the grateful Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as guidance to the people of the world.

A Night of Forgiveness and Blessings

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the transformative potential of Laylatul Qadr, stating:

‘The one who will stand for the Night of Qadr in worship, fasting or praying with faith and in the expectation of reward shall have all his sins forgiven.’ (Sahih Bukhari)

This event requires Muslims to spend this night only in offering prayers, reading al-Quran and making dua to Allah for his grace. This time is a right time for deep reflection and self-avowal, to repent and remould oneself and return to the right path.

Getting closer to the Lord : Special merits of Laylatul Qadr

1. A night of good is better than a thousand months of lack

The Blessings of Laylatul Qadr are 1000 months of supplication of worship. Any deed to be done on this night is multiplied many times and is unequal in spiritual merit to any nights throughout the year.

2. Forgiveness of Sins

To those who come with good intent into this night, their sins are washed away. Turning around those bad habits and performing repentance for sins can be a kind of purification from both inside and outside, and can also lead to the improvement of the relations with God.

3. Descent of Angels

Angels and the Spirt (Jibreel, peace be upon him) descend at night with blessings and peace. This divine guest increases the holiness of the Laylatul Qadr and it is therefore suitable to make supplication and to seek closeness to Allah at this time.

4. A Night of Peace

Laylatul Qadr is referred to as the Night of Peace until dawn. It offers a feeling of calmness as much as it motivates the Muslim people to meditate and to concentrate on the prayer.

Preparing for Laylatul Qadr

Engage in Itikaf

Staying in the mosque is of Sunnah in the last ten days of the blessed month. This makes it easier for Muslims to leave all worldly matters and turn to worship in order to maximize their chances of getting Laylatul Qadr.

Perform Tahajjud

Special emphases are devoted to the performance of Tahajjud prayer in the odd-nights of the last ten days of Ramadan, especially the night of Qadr. This is the best time for earnest prayer and learning to equally converse with Allah.

Give Charity

This night is immensely rewarding in terms of charitable acts. Many believers opt to allocate donations, including through services like Islamic Hajj Umrah packages or by supporting pilgrims through cheap Hajj Umrah packages and VIP economy Hajj & Umrah packages in the UK.

Connection to Hajj and Umrah

Regarding the religious environment of Laylatul Qadr, it complements more aspects of Hajj and Umrah. Both are trips of worship, surrender and of course, a pursuit for holiness. In view of the Muslims intending to undertake hajj, knowledge of Laylatul Qadr enriches their planning and preparation for the journey and makes them spiritually more prepared.

Traditional UK based Hajj and Umrah travel agency companies, make available quality and viable hajj Umrah tour packages fit for most people. PREMIUM hajj packages included 3-star hajj packages to 5-star hajj packages but the focus is on providing a life-changing journey. For those seeking exclusivity, VIP Umrah packages provide a seamless and enriched experience, echoing the peace and sanctity of Laylatul Qadr.


Laylatul Qadr is a revelation of godliness and a poignant way of telling people their supplication is powerful. It is significant as a mark that believers need to follow their righteous path and raise their spiritual level to reach the Creator. Just as planning for hajj and umrah services requires planning and concentration and laylatul Qadr is lights of rewards to aim and look for.

For Muslims in the UK, exploring London Hajj Umrah packages, VIP Hajj & Umrah packages, or best Hajj travel agency UK offerings can help enrich their spiritual journey. When those lessons and blessings of Laylatul Qadr are incorporated into the general routine of life, it becomes possible to extend this spirits of Ramadan throughout the year or for a long period of time.